May 24
Rigging Services
Pull Testing, Proof loading, and Visual Field Inspections
Not only do we sell rigging, we can re-certify that your old or worn looking rigging is up to par.
Buying new rigging can be expensive and time consuming; while using old, weathered, and worn rigging can be more costly. Pacific Industrial Supply has a test bed to re-certify your rigging; replacing an old or missing tag and ensuring that lifts are done safely and without worry of failure. Our test bed is re-certified annually. We have the ability to test assemblies up to 100,000 Lbs, with a range of lengths up to 25 feet in a vertical configuration or 56 feet in a basket configuration. If you’ve recently been quoted on a chain bridal, then you’re well aware of the costs of replacing it; Re-certifying an assembly is a much more cost effective option. Re-certification includes a new tag installed on the rigging along with a certificate for your records. Pricing varies depending on the assembly, and time required to get the job done.
Visual field inspections are available by a trained inspector; call for a quote.